In this issue:
“Introduction to the SEND Local Offer website” – webinar
The Local Offer website lets parents, young people and professionals know what special educational needs and disabilities services are available in Hertfordshire, and who can access them. There is so much more than that, too.
A friendly face from the Local Offer team will take you through what’s on the website and how you can use it to find the right services and support.
Thursday 28 September at 8pm - 8.45pm - Click here to join the meeting
Services for Young People consultation on future priorities (ages 14+)
Services for Young People is running a public consultation to gather opinions and feedback of young people and their parents and carers. They want a greater understanding of what is important to young people, and gather ideas on how they can develop future services that help and support them.
The survey is open to young people, parents/carers, and professionals who work with young people.
Complete the Services for Young People survey – have your say on our future priorities
The survey is open until 9 October 2023.
SEND Recruitment day for professionals
We are doing things differently to achieve better outcomes. We are making SEND everyone's business.
We are expanding our SEND service with significant investment in our workforce to improve outcomes.
If you have experience and/or knowledge with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and want to improve the outcomes for our children and young people with SEND and work collaboratively and build relationships with families and partners, we would like to invite you to our recruitment event on Tuesday 19 September 2023, between 4-6:30pm at Robertson House, Stevenage.
We would encourage you to register your interest to receive further information about how you can access the event.
You are also welcome to drop in.
To find out more about the opportunities:
This is an excellent opportunity to talk to our colleagues about working in Hertfordshire’s SEND services and any questions you may have before applying to join us.
Herts Haven Cafes Launch (ages 10-18)
You are invited to come and join in to celebrate the launch of the Herts Haven Cafés on Monday 18th September, 2023.
2pm-3.30pm Official Opening and Lumi Nova demonstration (professionals only)
3.30pm - 5pm - Young people welcome - badge making, creative workshop and Lumi Nova demonstration
These cafés are a haven of support for children and young people in the county aged 10 to 18, offering free-of-charge, emotional wellbeing support without the requirement of a referral.
We would love you to join us for our official opening at Watford Palace Theatre, one of the café venues, to see how the service can support children and young people, and families in Hertfordshire.
As well as crafts and demonstrations on the day, there will also be refreshments, gift bags and a raffle, so please come along to find out more and show your support for this great new service!
If you think that you may drop-in, please let us know by emailing to help us plan refreshments.
Area SEND Inspection update
You may know that the Hertfordshire SEND partnership (services across health, education and social care that support children and young people with SEND) were inspected between 26 June - 14 July 2023 as part of the Area SEND Inspection Framework. Following a full inspection, Inspectors provide a full report which will set out:
- the inspection outcome
- what it is like to be a child or young person with SEND in the local area
- what the local area partnership is doing well and what needs to be improved
- recommendations for improvements that the local area partnership should act on
- whether any areas for priority action have been identified and which area partners are responsible for addressing them
- the likely type and timing of the next inspection activity
We have not yet received the report from Ofsted but are waiting for it any day now. Once we have the final report we will publish this on the Local Offer and provide a copy to the Herts Parent Carer Forum (HPCI) - an organisation of parents who act as your representatives when working with the local authority and health to deliver services.
Resilience workshop for parent carers (Carers in Herts)
Tuesday 19 September 10.30am - 12.30pm
Learn techniques to help you manage the everyday stresses of being a carer and build up your personal resilience. We will discuss how to cope practically and emotionally, build support networks and deal with changing relationships.
Inclusive United - pan disability multi sports
Starting Tues 19 September 10.30am, Hemel Hempstead
Inclusive United's pan disability daytime multi-sport and ball skills sessions are for young men and women aged 18 to 25 years, with mild learning disabilities, special educational needs or additional needs.
Stortford Gymnastics - SEND 4 school workshop
Wednesday 27 September 1.30 - 2.30pm, Bishop's Stortford
The session is for SEND children and an adult (teacher or parent) to come to the gym and make use of our fantastic, safe and purpose-built equipment
DSPL Emotionally Based School Avoidance coffee morning
Tuesday 26 September 10.30am, Hobbs Hill Wood Primary, Hemel Hempstead
DSPL8 will be holding a EBSA (Emotionally Based School Avoidance) coffee morning for Mums, Dads and Carers to share experiences and support each other.