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Who's who

HCC SEND teams

0-25 Together Team

Contact: 0-25 Central@hertfordshire.gov.uk

If you want to find out if you can be assessed for social care support, call the customer service centre on 0300 123 4043. You will be asked some general questions about you and your family, and this information will be passed along to the service. They will take a look at your information and be in touch with you. Depending on your information, they may decide to assess, or they may provide you with information about support that could help you.

Head of 0-25 Together:  Andy Lawrence

Service Managers: Nicola Alston (East)

                               Garth Taljaard (West)

CYP SEND Brokerage Team

Telephone: 01438 844254


The Brokerage team organise care packages for children and young people receiving services through 0-25 Together Service following an assessment of need. The team also provides a community navigation service for families open to the 0-25 Together Service, supporting children & young people to access opportunities and be included in their community.

SEND Commissioning

Telephone: 01438 845433

Senior Commissioning Manager – Julie Reddish

Commissioning Managers – Josh Parnell and Nicola Fisher

Commissioning and Monitoring Officers – Nadia Costa, Andrew Burt and Danielle Hewson

Project Officers – Rachel Naylor and Kim Sciara

Families First 

Families First is the term used in Hertfordshire for services that work together to support families who need extra help. These are also known as 'early help' services. We all experience difficulties at some point. Families First can help you find early help and information to prevent issues from getting worse.

Head of Family Support : Karen Dorney

Service Managers:

Lauren Penrose - Operations Manager Intensive Family Support Team

Katie Thornton – Development Manager

Simon Gentry – Business Manager

Sue Chapman - Service Manage, Families First Panels

Families First Website

The Families First website is a resource aimed at families and professionals and contains a directory of organisations, services and groups in Hertfordshire that can support families with problems they may be facing.  Professionals can also access a range of information, advice and tools to help them in delivering early help services under the Families First umbrella.  Visit the Families First website.

Families First Coordinators

There is a named Senior Families First Coordinator and Families First Coordinator covering each local double district* to champion, promote and support effective use of Families First. They also provide information, advice, guidance and practice support on Families First delivery model, processes and Early Help Module (EHM) system.

Intensive Family Support Teams (IFST)

Intensive Family Support teams work with families with multiple and complex needs who would benefit from more intensive support.

IFST teams are divided into the following *double districts:

Dacorum and St Albans 

East Herts and Broxbourne

Stevenage and North Herts

Watford and Three Rivers

Welwyn Hatfield and Hertsmere

Services for Young People SEND Team

Hertfordshire County Council Services for Young People (HCC SfYP) offers young people with SEND aged 13-25 impartial information, advice and guidance on their post-16 options such as further education, training, employment and independent living.

SfYP SEND Team Manager - Tracy Noble

Contact: SfYP SEND Team duty line 01438 844999 or email SfYP.SEND@hertfordshire.gov.uk 

Find more information about the Services for Young People SEND Team.

Find more information about all SfYP’s support for young people with SEND

Head of Services for Young People - Peter Hosier

Contact SfYP

SEND Information, advice and support service (SEND IASS)

Contact: SENDIASS@hertfordshire.gov.uk    Telephone: 01992 555847 

Manager : Karen Edwards

Integrated Services for Learning (ISL)

Head of Integrated Services for Learning: Jennie Newman

Area Leads:

North Herts & Stevenage

ISL Area manager + County Lead for Graduated Response and Statutory Assessment: Sally Glossop


East Herts, Broxbourne, Welwyn & Hatfield and

ISL Area manager + county lead for Early Years SEND:  Deena Wallworth


St. Albans & Dacorum

ISL Area Manager + Professional Lead for SEND Specialist Advice & Support Service:   Patricia Walker


Watford, Three Rivers & Hertsmere

ISL Area manager + DSPL Strategic Lead: Sue Sheffield


Integrated Services for Learning telephone advice lines

Specialist Advice and Support Services; see service times below - 01442 453 920 (term time only)

Early years: Weds 9am - 12pm and Thurs 1.30pm - 4pm

Physical and neurological impairment team: Mondays 1.30pm - 4pm

Early Years Service

Contact: EarlyYears@hertfordshire.gov.uk

Development Managers: Nicki Youngs

County Lead Early Years SEND: Lara Windsor

Inclusion and Skills Directorate

Director of Inclusion and Skills: Hero Slinn

Head of Improvement and Transformation: Sam Rostom

Head of Access, Inclusion and Alternative Provision - Richard Woodard
