
In this issue: 

Hertfordshire SEND Ofsted/ CQC Inspection

 A few weeks ago we sent a special SEND News issue out to let you know that a SEND Ofsted/ CQC Inspection was happening in Hertfordshire. Thank you to those of you who filled out the Ofsted survey and had your say. Today is the last day of the Ofsted Inspection, and Inspectors met with senior leaders at Hertfordshire County Council and in health services to share some immediate feedback.

 Inspectors gave us some general feedback today, but we expect our official judgement report to be published in the next few months. Until then, the results are “embargoed” – this means we won’t be allowed to share them for a while. The length of time this lasts depends on the result and what has to happen next.

 We will keep you updated as soon as we can. When we have the final report, we will publish this on the Hertfordshire Local Offer website.

 If you have any questions, please do email us at SENDinspection.comms@hertfordshire.gov.uk .

The Valley School is nearing completion - students get a view from their new roof!

On Monday 26 June, students from the Valley School in Stevenage had the opportunity to gett a unique view of Stevenage from the top of their new school!

On the day, the pupils mingled with county councillors, as well as project officers and architects. The children were excited about being allowed on the roof of their new school and shared their excitement about their new school which is due to open during the Autumn Term.

"We can’t wait to come into the new school so that students get the quality of provision they deserve. There are just so many different parts of the school which are going to bring so much joy to so many different children. As the head teacher it is amazing that we will be able to complement our high-quality teaching with a learning environment that our young people can really enjoy."

- David Pearce, Headteacher at The Valley School
students, staff, contractors all posing for a photo at site of new building

 Read more about the students visit to their new school.

Family Support Service - SEND Cafes and Drop-ins (ages 0-5)

The Family Centres are running dedicated support sessions for families with young children with SEND.  These are a great opportunity for families going through a similar journey to meet in a relaxed environment. The friendly SEND Champions are on hand to talk about the services on offer, signpost to relevant charities and organisations or to simply offer a listening ear. There will also be special partner days which will be advertised through the Family Centre social media pages.

Whether your child has a diagnosis or is waiting for assessment, all parents, carers, nannies and childminders are welcome. These sessions are free and there is no need to book, there will be toys out for the children but adults are more than welcome to come by themselves or bring a friend or family member along.

Check out our website for upcoming dates in each district

For South and West Herts look for “SEND Cafe” and for North and East look for “SEND Drop-In”.

Let's Just Talk about the Future

Just Talk about the future flyer

Thinking about the future can sometimes be worrying for young people.  Just Talk's new campaign encourages young people to share their concerns, and to handle them together.  They offer practical tips and useful information to help young people to manage their worries, plan for the future and be inspired by positive stories of young people in Hertfordshire.

Visit the Let's Just Talk about the Future webpage for ideas

SENDIASS open throughout the holidays

Just a reminder that SENDIASS will be open throughout the summer holidays.

SENDIASS provide information, advice and support about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities for families living in Hertfordshire. The service aims to empower and enable children and young people with SEN/D and their parents/carers to take an active role in decision making on matters relating to their needs.
They can provide free, impartial and confidential information and support on a range of issues which include:
  • education, health and social care
  • national and local policy
  • the Hertfordshire Local Offer
  • your rights and choices
  • where you can find help and advice
  • how you can access support

Self-care summer (all ages)

Anna Freud self-care summer
Self-care summer is back! The summer holidays are just around the corner and Anna Freud want to get children and young people thinking about how to practise self-care, and look after their own wellbeing during the holidays.
They have resources for children and young people of all ages to help them create their own self-care plans.


Starting July 2023, Watford
A targeted weight management programme, providing different weight management opportunities for adults with learning or physical disabilities, and adults with mental health concerns.

July and August 2023, various locations
Various workshops and activities for all ages and abilities

Thursday 27 July, Stanborough Lakes
Adapted cycling group led ride around the beautiful lakes at Stanborough Park