SEND news

Support and Advice

Local SEND Helplines

 An 'at a glance' list of telephone advice lines.  We're pleased to have added an Early Years time slot to the SEND SAS* advice line


Contact number

Times available (from Sept 2020)

Educational Psychology Contact line

01992 588574


2pm - 4:30pm

*SEND Specialist Advice and Support (SAS) Service 

01442 453920

Term time only

Specific Learning Difficulties:

Monday & Thursday

09:30am – 12pm

Speech Language, Communication & Autism needs:

Tuesday & Wednesday

1:30pm – 4pm

Early Years: Weds 9am to 12pm &

Thurs 1:30-4pm

Attendance duty line

West team Attendance Duty Telephone number:

01442 454778  

East team Attendance Duty Telephone Number:

01992 555261

Monday -Friday :  09:30 am to 4pm


01992 555847

For free impartial, professional information, advice and support


East HUB (Hertford):

01992 504013

West HUB (Watford):

01923 676549

Free and impartial support and advice on the phone, by email and face-to-face


Other useful websites



Free parent workshops by Contact

Free parent workshops run by charity Contact, are running during September and October - book your place today!

A programme of popular, free parent workshops are being run virtually!

Topics include: Money matters, Encouraging Positive Behaviour, Wellbeing for you, and Managing your child's sleep. Booking is easy, and we have different times and dates to suit - find out how to sign up today.


Get that flu jab!

Every year in winter, lots of people get flu.

Some people with a learning disability are more likely to be very ill if they get flu so the best way to avoid this is by having the flu vaccination.

This easy read will have more information or you can find out more from your GP.

Find support at your local family centre

Don't forget that your local family centre is there for you whether you're coping fine or struggling.

The family centre service can help before your baby's born, right through to when they want to play and get messy. Visit their 'What's on' pages to find out what's happening in your area.

Family centres also run events and courses such as:

  Health visitors and school nurses are also a part of the service.

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