SEND news

Its that time again! Starting secondary school in Hertfordshire

The new school year may have started but if your child starts secondary school next year (2021) and does not have an EHCP, it’s already time to start planning.

While Hertfordshire County Council is working with all schools to ensure that children and young people can return to education as safely as possible, the application process for secondary schools is now open.

If your child starts secondary, upper or university technical college next year, and does not have an EHCP, it’s now time to apply for a place. The easiest way to do this for September 2021 is to visit and complete the online application form. However, do make sure that before making an application, you read the information on the website thoroughly and where possible, attend school open events to help make your choice, talk to the school about how best they can support your child. This year, many schools are holding virtual open events as an alternative to the traditional open evenings. Leaflets outlining all the secondary and upper open events were distributed in July and the information is also available on the online school directory at

Online applications, (NB: for young people without an EHCP) can be amended at any time before the closing date on Saturday 31 October 2020 and you can also go online to see your school offer before the allocation letters are sent.

If you don’t have internet access you can still request a paper application form. These can be obtained by calling the Customer Service Centre on 0300 123 4043. Forms must be returned direct to the Admissions and Transport team and not returned to schools.

Remember! The closing date for secondary applications is Saturday 31 October 2020.

All the information you need about the secondary transfer process is available at

*Please note: The process for young people with an EHCP is different. These are dealt with by a separate legal process and need to be made through your SEN team.


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