SEND news

Applying for a specific school with an EHCP

If your child has a statement of special educational needs or an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan that names a specific school, your child’s application will be handled by HCC’s Special Educational Needs team.

The process for requesting a specialist provision happens when an EHCP is issued for the first time and during an annual review of your EHCP.  This is the time when you can name your preferred setting in response to a draft EHCP. You can also ask for an early annual review.

When you request a specialist placement, a provision panel made up of professionals across all areas considers the parent request and will make a recommendation as to whether or not the child meets the admissions guidance for that type of specialist provision.  The provision panel does not decide on a particular school for your child, they just make a judgement against the admissions guidance, on the type of setting requested and may suggest which will best meet the needs of your child.

Only children with an EHCP will be admitted to special schools or specialist provisions in mainstream schools. In some cases however, a child may be admitted if they have just moved into the area from a different county and an Education, Health and Care assessment has started.

Phase Transfer annual reviews take place in the Spring term

EHCPs are updated between the summer term – end autumn term when requests for special or independent schools are considered.

On or by 15 February in the year of phase transfer an amended EHCP may be issued, naming the next phase.

Post 16 / Post 19 applications – deadline is 31 March each year

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