SEND news

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Carers in Herts

Young Carers are children and young people who care for a member of their family.

Referrals to the Young Carers team in Hertfordshire, have doubled over the last year as the Carers in Herts team continue to work with young carers and aim to develop a better understanding of their roles.

Here's a look at some of their activity . . .

  • Work with young people up to 19 (with a diagnosed condition and is caring for someone)
  • Helping to support the young carer as much as possible
  • Young ambassadors in schools to promote and enable support for other young carers
  • Training in schools
  • Young carers awareness day on 30 January
  • Promoting more buy in from schools
  • Activities in the holidays for young carers
  • Stress management programmes
  • Passport/discount card, carers and young carers can apply for (15-25% off participating businesses)

Find out more about Young Carers in Herts here

Tell us your views on childcare opportunities in Hertfordshire

Are you a parent/carer with children aged between 0-14 years old?

Hertfordshire County Council would like your feedback on childcare to help us understand the current market position and to help us plan for sufficient childcare places across Hertfordshire.

Please take a few minutes to complete our survey at

The survey closes on 29 february 2020

image for parent, carers with children aged between 0-14 years

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