SEND news

Tell us what you think about autism assessments in Hertfordshire for over 18s

Hertfordshire County Council together with East and North Hertfordshire and Herts Valleys Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and Hertfordshire Partnership Foundation Trust (HPFT) are undertaking a review into the autism assessment pathway for those over 18 years of age, in Hertfordshire and the support available following diagnosis. 

Hertfordshire is committed to supporting people on the autism spectrum and ensuring they receive support to enable them to live happy, healthy and independent lives within their communities.  This review will focus on adult diagnosis (those aged over 18) and will inform the future delivery of services for people on the autism spectrum.

We will collect information from adults on the waiting list for an autism assessment, adults already diagnosed, families, carers and professionals.

How can you help?

We want to hear from as many people as possible to complete the survey that is relevant to them before 6 February 2020. 

For people on the waiting list for an autism assessment:

For carers and those supporting people with ASD:

For those diagnosed with an autism spectrum condition:

Alternatively please telephone 01438 844686 or email where you can also request paper copies of the questionnaire. 

If you would like more information on the review please get in touch with

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