SEND news

Consultation on changes to the School Admission Code

The Department for Education has just launched a consultation on a revised version of the School Admissions Code and would welcome your feedback.

The consultation can be found online here and runs until 16 October.

The proposed changes to the School Admissions Code are intended to support vulnerable children and changes would therefore potentially have significant implications for children with SEND.

In addition, SEND stakeholders may have a particular interest in a specific recommendation about how the Code should provide for decisions about the admission of children and young people with Challenging Behaviour.

DfE is keen to hear from a wide range of SEND stakeholders to help ensure that all relevant SEND considerations are factored into Ministers’ decisions as to the best way forward.

They have an extended consultation period of 16 weeks, running into the Autumn term to allow for disruption caused by both the school holidays and the phased re-opening and return to school. Virtual consultation sessions are planned with stakeholders. Do let DfE know if you would like to be involved.

There is also an updated published statement on the admission of summer born children. This is published here

We have set up the mailbox for any future comments or questions in relation to the consultation.


Information from:  Special educational needs and disability division

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