SEND news

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Welcome to this April edition of SEND News, featuring the stories and updates from our services and partners on how they continue to support families of children/young people with special educational needs or disabilities in times when they cant meet with them

A special welcome from Jo Fisher, Operations Director, Children & Young People of Hertfordshire County Council

We’ve been in lockdown now for over a month and I hope you are adjusting to the considerable changes it will have brought to you and your families.

We are also very aware of how many of you will be facing increased challenges at home without normal arrangements for respite care or the school support you need and we urge you to please contact your key worker or support group and reach out for support if you need it. Don’t forget the numerous online resources available as well – some are mentioned in the articles in this SEND news, and the Local Offer COVID-19 resources  and CORONA VIRUS updates, are managed daily. Our services are all adapting and working in these different ways we want to ensure we stay in touch with you and share some of the key information that is being provided by both the government and our partners.

I’d also like to say how proud I am of all of our teams who are working hard to adapt to new ways of keeping in touch and supporting you.

You can read how some of them are doing this in this issue which I hope you enjoy reading. Do use the resources, guidelines and links you’ll find listed, and hope you find them useful.

Best wishes to you and your families, keep safe and keep in touch.



School transport applications due

As you will know, there is no statutory entitlement to home to school transport for young people aged 16-18 with EHCPs and families must reapply each year.

Usually in April, Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) writes to all relevant families asking them to complete a transport application form. This year however, the process has changed to online but unfortunately, due to the effects of Covid-19, the Transport team has been unable to write to families.

The Transport application forms for young people with an EHCP who are either starting or returning to 16+ education in September 2020, have been sent by email by the SEN Transport Team at HCC.  Families should check their email, including the “junk” folder for the message and, if they have not received it, should email to request a transport application form. The SEN Transport team will then resend the email.  Whilst the team is receiving post, it is difficult and delayed in the current circumstances. Please apply online as this is more efficient and receipt is guaranteed.

The deadline for return of these is the end of May.

Did you know ?

The Travel Team has launched a new online training toolkit for parents to help their young person with travel training. Read more about this in our next issue, but in the meantime, follow the link on the image to their website.

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